Tanya Garcia-Nolen, BS, MS
Tanya is the biomedical engineer and lab manager for the musculoskeletal biomechanics research, imaging services and the gait lab.
Alice Wong, PhD
Alice is the lab manager and research scientist for the cellular & molecular biology research.

Heather McEligot, BS, MS
Heather is the lab manager and research scientist for the musculoskeletal regeneration research.
Justine Irvin, BS
Justine is a lab assistant that assists with many orthopedic research projects for multiple VORL Faculty members. She works simultaneously in two additional laboratories located on the VetMed campus.

Iris Rivas, BS
Iris is a Junior Specialist that specializes in primary cell culture and musculoskeletal regeneration research. She works simultaneously in two labs and takes on a multitude of experiments in VORL.