Musculoskeletal Imaging
If interested in any of the following services, please contact Tanya Garcia-Nolen.

The service provides micro CT images (3D x-ray at high-resolution). It provides 3D geometry or quantification of bone morphometry, density or porosity in bones or other tissue. This machine is capable of minimum 6 μm resolution, with a maximum tube size is 35 mm diameter x 120 mm long. This is provided at a rate of $243 per 12hr scan (time is dependent on specimen size and required resolution). There is an additional charge for our technician to do the analysis and providing the quantitative results, which is at a rate of $54/hr.

Digital Radiography
The service provides digital radiographs from multiple modalities. It provides radiographs of animal or animal specimens. This is provided at a rate of $29 per pair of radiographs.

The service provides mineralized tissue (bone) sections cut so that they may be analyzed microscopically. Further, the microscopic slides have high-resolution radiographs taken of them. This allows for histologic analysis of bone or bone-implant interface, or dental tissue and quantifies mineral density via radiography. Full service rate (done by technician) is $307/slide, while the Student rate (done by trained student) is $202/slide.
High-Detail Radiography
The service provides High-Detail x-rays and/or a processor for film-based radiographs or PCR films. This is provided at a rate of $23/film.