The computer room houses 5 PC computers running Windows 10 or 11 and the student/staff workrooms house 5 PCs and 3 iMacs. Various computers are loaded with word processing (Word), spreadsheet (Excel), graphical (SigmaPlot), presentation (Powerpoint), database (Access), statistical (SAS), epidemiological (Egret), image manipulation (Photoshop), image analysis (ImageJ and Motus), mechanical testing (FlexTestGT, MultiPurpose Testware), data acquisition (Labview), simulation (SIMM, SD Fast, Dynamics Pipeline), computational (Matlab), software development (Visual C++), Computer Aided Drafting-3D modeling (Fusion360, and ProE), volume visualization of computed tomography (Dragonfly and Osirix), finite element model creation and analysis software (Abaqus), 3D medical image processing and design (Mimics and 3Matic from Materialise), and rigid-body dynamic system modeling and visualization software (Visual 3D) and internet software.